Conferences and congresses, Diffusion
- Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Sala de graus)
On Thursday 13 February at 12 noon a conference will be given by Carme Viladrich, professor in the Department of Psychobiology and Methodology of Health Science of the UAB, entitled Calcula'm una omega: com valorar la fiabilitat de la puntuació total d'un qüestionari. The conference will take place at the Sala de graus (B3/012) of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies and is organised by the Applied Statistics Service and the research group in Statistical Modeling of Extreme Events and Health Risks. In her conference, Carme Viladrich will present the concepts needed to take informed decisions and calculate the appropriate ratio depending on the type of questionnaire and study group. The conference will also be streamed live via Microsoft Teams.
Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (Sala de graus)
Culture, Diffusion
- Llibreria Documenta, Barcelona (Carrer Pau Claris 144)
On Thursday 13 February at 7:00 p.m., the book Desinformación y poder. Alquimias de la persuasión will be presented in Barcelona. The book is co-published by four universities within the Aldea Global collection: the UAB, Universitat Jaume I, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat de València. The event will be attended by Virginia Luzón, professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and vice-rector of Communication at the UAB; Catalina Gayà, professor of the Department of Media, Communication and Culture at the UAB and member of the Board of Aldea Global; and Raúl Rodríguez Fernándiz, professor of Semiotics of Mass Communication at the Universitat d'Alacant and author of the book. The book is aimed at people involved in communication and all those who want to know how truth is displacing the power of information.
Llibreria Documenta, Barcelona (Carrer Pau Claris 144)