Volunteering activities ECTS
The volunteer program in solidarity actions adapts students to situations of inequality and offers options to get involved in social issues. Volunteer activities are an opportunity to build a more involved and committed educational community. For this reason, we promote the participation of students in different volunteer programs and that this task will be recognized with ECTS credits. The practice is developed in different volunteer programs, both within the FAS and in collaboration with professors and centers attached to the UAB. The student has the opportunity to work in the field and is equipped at an interdisciplinary level, and reflects on the technical knowledge covered and the training offered.
To obtain the recognition of credits, the student carries out a participating volunteer activity on a continuous basis and commits to the activities and training spaces programmed within the framework of the program to which they are linked.
It will be necessary that when the voluntary activity of her being ends, a brief reflection on the matter is carried out.
It is possible to recover a maximum of 6 credits per academic year.
How to register:
- Start the volunteer program that interests you most.
- Be up to date with the communications and information that arrive linked to the recognition of credits (initial training sessions, electronic mail, publications to social networks of the entity, website, virtual campus, etc.).
- Communicate your interest to the program's reference person and talk about the specific itinerary of the program.
- Complete the registration through the form on our website (go to the section "Formulari Reconeixement ECTS").