Admission Official Master's Degree in Archival Studies and Information Governance
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.Admission requirements
The research and work areas of Archival Studies are characterised by their interdisciplinary nature. Professionals of different origins collaborate on projects coordinated on the basis of initiatives led by archival professionals. This master’s degree has therefore been designed to meet the needs of students from diverse educational backgrounds.
This character is related to the multidisciplinary and cross-cutting nature of the students’ different academic profiles. Therefore, being the holder of any official bachelor’s degree is sufficient for those interested in applying for admission to the master’s degree.
Selection criteria
If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available, places will be awarded in accordance with the following criteria. The Academic Committee of the master’s degree will assess candidates bearing in mind their:
- Academic record (up to 50%), weighted as follows: excellent (distinction) or excellent (distinction with honour) (from 9 to 10) 50%; outstanding (from 7 to 8.99) 35%; pass (from 5 to 6.99) 15%.
- Letter of motivation (up to 15%).
- Personal interview (up to 35%).
The following will be assessed in the letter of motivation and the personal interview:
- The reasoned interest shown by the candidate in the archival area from either a professional or an academic perspective.
- Consistency with the previous academic and/or professional career.
- Consistent and realistic future prospects presented by the candidate in relation to archival studies and their employment prospects.
Complementary training
The multidisciplinary, cross-cutting and profession-focused nature of the master’s degree means that it will not be necessary to take training supplements.