University Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

The master's degree is addressed to local and international students with an interest in psychiatry and mental health research

Admission Official Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

Admission Requirements:
1. - Bachelor's degree / in Medicine, Biology, Biomedicine, Animal Health , Biomedical Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Human Nutrition and Diet, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, or Veterinary Medicine. Access is also open to graduates in other subjects, subject to authorisation and/or validation by the Interuniversity Master's Committee.
2. - Certificate showing level B1 in English reading comprehension on the scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Selection criteria

Admission is granted after candidates' merits receive scores of up to 100 points on application of the selection criteria
- Level of prior training in mental health: up to 50 points with the following order of priority:
1. - Graduates in Medicine who have the clinical specialisation in Psychiatry or are being trained in it (MIR)
2. - Graduates in Medicine who certify having undergone training in Psychiatry equivalent to the MIR programme in another country.
3. - Graduates in Psychology or Medicine
4. - Graduates in Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy or related Sciences
5. - Other graduates
6. - University diploma holders
- Quality of training, academic transcript: up to 20 points
- Research or professional experience in a field related to this master's degree: up to 30 points

Complementary training

Students with diplomas, technical engineering or technical architect's qualifications in fields related to this master's degree may join the programme, but they must certify a minimum knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology of the central nervous system, psychobiology and mental health.
The Interuniversity Master's Committee will examine these applicants' qualifications for joining the programme and may establish the need to take up to 15 credits in bridging courses. These bridging courses correspond to basic subjects within the bachelor's degrees in Medicine and/or Nursing taught by the universities involved. These subjects are:
  • Structure of the Human Body, 6 credits
  • Function of the Human Body I, 6 credits
  • Psychosocial Sciences, 6 credits
  • Function of the Human Body II, 6 credits
  • Nursing Care Applied to Mental Health, 3 credits
  • Addictions and Drug Dependency, 3 credits
  • Mental Health Interventions, 6 credits
  • General Physiology, 3 credits
  • Medical Psychology, 6 credits
  • Human Anatomy: Neuroanatomy, 4 credits
  • Psychiatry, 6 credits
The Interuniversity Master's Committee will decide which of these subjects need to be taken, based on each candidate's academic background.