University Master's Degree in Quality of Food of Animal Origin

The only master's degree in Spain to offer highly specialised training required to cover the demands of companies producing animal source foods 


Content Official Master's Degree in Quality of Food of Animal Origin

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Master's dissertation

The master's student will address the preparation and defense of a Master's Final Project (TFM).

The TFM will combine knowledge acquired in the rest of the modules that make up the master and must address a topic directly related to the improvement, management and/or quality control of raw materials or processed foods of animal origin.

The TFM, which can be carried out throughout the academic year, will take place in three stages:


1. Planning stage. The student, after a brief stage of preliminary documentation and advised by his/her director/tutor/s, will stablish the objective of the TFM and design an activity plan that will be explained orally to the evaluation committee during the preliminary evaluation session to be held before the student begins his/her activities.

2. Development stage. The student will address the completion of his/her TFM in accordance with the established work plan.

3. Defense stage. The student will prepare a written report of the work done that will be presented and defended orally to the evaluation committee in public session.


There are three types of TFM:

1. Experimental (e.g., research work).

2. Practical (e.g., quality management, new product development, etc.).

3. Bibliographic (e.g. on hot topics or future trends).


The TFM can be done at:

1. Facilities of the Department of Animal and Food Science at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UAB) (Pilot Plant and/or laboratories).

2. Other UAB centers.

3. Other institutions, entities and public or private centers.

4. Companies in the Agri-food sector.

The research groups at the Faculty of Veterinary (UAB) that propose TFM offers are the following

Department of Animal and Food Science

Food Technology Plant Special Research Centre

Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Farming Research Group & Ruminant Research Group
Animal Nutrition, Handling and Welfare Research Group


Master's Final Project Regulations
List of master thesis done