University Master's Degree in English Studies: Linguistic, Literary and Sociocultural Perspectives

This MA will provide you with advanced English skills, professional training, and cross-disciplinary expertise in linguistics, literature and sociocultural studies within a multilingual and multicultural setting

Content Official Master's Degree in English Studies: Linguistic, Literary and Sociocultural Perspectives


  • Distinguish between the main models and paradigms applied to the study of English language, literature, and culture at an advanced level.
  • Identify the main geographical varieties of contemporary English and the challenges related to their social assessment and representation in various literary and cultural productions.
  • Relate the key theoretical notions for the analysis of the processes of acquisition, learning, and use of English at an advanced level, as well as the literary and cultural productions in English.
  • Compare the epistemological, methodological, and analytical principles of the different qualitative, quantitative, and textual approaches used in the field of English studies.
  • Identify technological tools for the use of corpora and bibliographic databases.
  • Identify the different registers and genres of academic writing in English to convey research findings.


  • Apply the principles of searching, evaluating, and citing bibliographic sources at an advanced level.
  • Critically evaluate academic texts related to the study of English language, literature, and culture.
  • Collect and encode linguistic data following the ontological and methodological principles of the different areas of the study of the English language.
  • Determine the reliability, truthfulness, and validity of data and documentary sources in literary, linguistic, and cultural research.
  • Interpret cultural and literary productions belonging to different genres of fiction and non-fiction at an advanced level through analysis.
  • Apply an intersectional perspective to linguistic, literary, and cultural discourses in English.
  • Analyse the relationships between factors, processes, and contexts in the study of the use, acquisition, and teaching of the English language in multilingual and multicultural environments at an advanced level.
  • Use technological tools for the analysis of linguistic data and literary and cultural productions.
  • Communicate orally and in writing in English at an advanced level following the principles of correctness, organization, clarity, precision, and appropriateness in academic and professional contexts.


  • Contribute innovative proposals related to English language, literature, and culture for solving social problems and challenges.
  • Develop initiative and the ability to adapt to new challenges and academic and professional environments within the field of English studies.
  • Demonstrate autonomy in developing academic and professional proposals in the field of linguistic, literary, and cultural studies in English.
  • Collaborate effectively in professional and academic multilingual, multicultural, and interdisciplinary teams.
  • Act in the field of English studies to identify and correct biases and inequalities related to gender issues.
  • Use digital media to search for primary literary and cultural sources in the field of English studies.