University Master's Degree in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention

Training in research, qualitative methodologies applied to the social sciences, and transcultural comparisons focused on social interventions within contexts of cultural diversity, the environment, health and gender

Content Official Master's Degree in Anthropology: Advanced Research and Social Intervention

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Ideal student profile

This master's degree is aimed primarily at students with an official bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology or in Ethnology, although it is open to students from any discipline who wish to gain a rigorous and profound insight into cultural diversity, the most effective cross-cultural comparison procedures, methodological strategies to deal with specific social welfare interventions (in health, education, spaces, marginalisation, etc.), or the increasing number of intercultural spaces.

Students who do not have sufficient prior training in anthropology will therefore be given an intensive two-week preparatory course, taught by the master's degree staff, at the start of the year, before the master's modules begin.

Those taking this degree must be able to reflect critically on social and cultural issues, recognise and neutralise prejudices and be aware of the inherent bias in any ethnocentric outlook. Also required is an ability to work in teams and use new technologies, and handle information, organise and plan.

A knowledge of English is recommended, especially for reading and listening. This is necessary to be able to read much of the bibliography, ethnographic records and multiformat documents, and to follow the classes given by foreign lecturers and researchers.

Basic skills

  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously

Specific skills

  • Know the methodological and epistemological developments in this field, within the context of cultural diversity.
  • Systematically relate concepts, and theories within the discipline so as to analyse specific ethnographic contexts.
  • Make interpretations and relational explanations to assist in understanding specific ethnographic contexts.
  • Make cross-cultural comparisons using the various procedures in anthropology.
  • Carry out ground-breaking, flexible research in anthropology by applying theories and methodologies and using appropriate data collection and analysis techniques.
  • Carry out ethnographic theoretical research into anthropological topics linked to identity and transnationality.
  • Design programmes of social intervention and cooperation and development and analyse their cultural appropriateness.
  • Identify, in ethnographic fieldwork, different outlooks corresponding to ethnic, class, gender and age inequalities and identities.

Cross-curricular skills

  • Defend arguments clearly, precisely and appropriately within the context, and at the same time value the contributions made by other people.
  • Work in teams, generating synergies in work environments where different people need to collaborate and coordinate themselves.
  • Use information and communication technologies efficiently to acquire, create and spread knowledge.