University Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

The master's degree is addressed to local and international students with an interest in psychiatry and mental health research

Content Official Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

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Ideal student profile

Students of the inter-university master's degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health preferably work in the Health Sciences, in clinical practice or in basic research, and are able to deal with innovation and research issues in any of the fields covered by the master's syllabus.

Basic skills

  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  • Have a deep knowledge of the theoretical foundations of neurobiology and the functioning of the central nervous system, and of the biological, psychological, genetic and environmental bases of normal and pathological psychic activities and their treatments.
  • Know the technologies, tools and techniques of diagnosis and treatment in the field of mental health and their application within research in this field.
  • Know the bases of mental health evaluation, of individuals and groups.
  • Be able to identify, state, analyse, diagnose and describe a mental health problem scientifically and technically.
  • Be able to develop explanatory models and instruments of analysis in mental health, from observable experience and critical analysis.
  • Integrate the basic and clinical aspects involved in the knowledge of factors that determine mental health
  • Be able to present results from research or practice in documents that allow them to be disseminated, discussed and exploited.
  • Know the ethical issues involved in mental health research.
  • Be able to self-diagnose one's weaknesses and define one's needs - Acquisition and understanding of content- Application of knowledge-Ability to make judgements-Ability to communicate and social skills.

Specific skills

  • Know about current areas of research on the structure and function of the central nervous system and its impact on research in mental health.
  • Recognise the impact of the new molecular bases of brain signalling on the potential for biologically oriented research in mental health.
  • Integrate the new pharmacological therapeutic guidelines in resistant cases in psychiatric pathology and recognise the molecular bases of these guidelines.
  • Know about recent advances in techniques that allow the study of biological bases of behaviour and the study of the pathological processes of the nervous system, with special emphasis on establishing a connection between anatomical structure and functional physiological or pathological response.
  • Know and apply mental health, neurobiology and psychiatry research methodology.
  • Know the legislation on design and conduct of studies in biomedicine, with special emphasis on bioethical aspects and the peculiarities of clinical trials in psychiatry.
  • Know the recent genetic and molecular advances that lead to improved definition of the integration between the chemical bases of brain functions and altered behaviour and personality.
  • Show skill in locating, accessing and critically reviewing scientific literature in this area of knowledge.
  • Design and lead a research project in the area of mental health, and be able to write and discuss a scientific paper published in a specialised journal belonging to this field.

Cross-curricular skills

  • Linguistic and Communicative Skills in an Academic Context.
  • Reading and Writing of Scientific Texts.
  • Graphic Communication in Technical Documents.
  • Efficiently manage information, using critical reasoning.
  • Interpersonal Relations. Leadership, Team Spirit, Anxiety, Control of Emotions.