University Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

The master's degree is addressed to local and international students with an interest in psychiatry and mental health research

Content Official Master's Degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health

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Study guides

Master description

The master's degree in Introduction to Research in Mental Health is assigned to the branch of Social Sciences, and is clearly oriented towards research, both basic and clinical. It is an inter-university master's degree, involving the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Barcelona, University of Cádiz, Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Cantabria (which acts as coordinating university).
It is a master's degree of 60 ECTS credits to be taken over one academic year (two semesters of 30 credits each). Of these 60 credits, 33 are compulsory (general aspects of neurobiology, period spent at research unit A, and period spent at research unit B). 21 credits are optional and 6 correspond to the master's dissertation.

Study plan structure



Type Credits
Compulsory 33
Optional 21
Master Thesis 6



Module Credits Type
General Aspects of Neurobiology 9 OB
Master's Dissertation 6 OB
Period Spent in Research Units A 6 OB
Period Spent in Research Units B 18 OB
Basic Clinical and Therapeutic Issues in Psychiatry 4 OT*
Biological Foundations of Psychiatric Pathology 4 OT*
Development of a Career in Research 4 OT*
Genetics and Psychiatry 4 OT*
Introduction to Research in Neurosciences 2 OT*
Methodology of Research in Psychiatry and Mental Health 6 OT*
Neurodevelopment 4 OT*

* Obligatori a cursar Mòdul II


Els estudiants han de cursar un mínim de 12 crèdits entre els mòduls III i IV



Module Credits Type
Addictive Disorders 4 OT*
Animal models in Psychiatric Pathology 4 OT*
Neurotransmitter Receptors 4 OT*
Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics 3 OT*
Physical Therapies 3 OT*
Psychopharmacology 1 3 OT*
Psychopharmacology 2 3 OT*
Research in Psychological Therapies 4 OT*
Welfare in Animal Experimentation 3 OT*
Advances in Affective Disorders 3 OT**
Advances in Bipolar Disorder 3 OT**
Advances in Schizophrenia 3 OT**
Cognitive Functions 3 OT**
Epidemiology in Psychiatry 4 OT**
Impulse Control Disorders 3 OT**
Neuroimage 3 OT**
Psychopathology 3 OT**
Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3 OT**
Social Psychiatry 3 OT**
The Role of Traimatic Events in Mental Disorders 4 OT**

* Obligatori a cursar Mòdul III
** Obligatori a cursar Mòdul IV


Les assignatures que podran ser considerades com a complements formatius són:



Module Credits Type
Addictions and Drug Dependency 3 OT
Function of the Human Body I 6 OT
Function of the Human Body II 6 OT
General Physiology 3 OT
Human Anatomy: Neuroanatomy 4 OT
Medical Psychology 6 OT
Mental Health Interventions 6 OT
Nursing Care Applied to Mental Health 3 OT
Psychiatry 6 OT
Structure of the Human Body 6 OT



OB: Compulsory
OT: Optional