General information
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!
You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.
- UAB University Master's Degree
- Credits: 90 ECTS
Beginning of the pre-enrolment period 01/03/2025
See the calendar - Places: 90 places
Price: €18.46 per credit (EU citizens and non-EU holding an EU residence permit). 2024/25 Academic year.
€66 per credit (non-EU citizens who do not hold an EU residence permit). 2025/26 Academic year. - Language: Catalan (50%) and Spanish (50&)
- Mode: Classroom-based learning
Teaching centre:
Faculty of Law
The pre-registration period will end on May 31, 2024.
The master's degree in the Legal Profession prepares graduates in Law to practise as lawyers, solicitors or barristers, pursuant to Law 34/2006 of 30 October and Law 15/2021 of 23 Octoboer and the Decrees developing both Laws. It is a full-time, in-person class, profession-oriented course aimed at building up the skills and competences needed in the practice of Law. This master's degree has a dual purpose: it provides the necessary training for professional practice and for passing the aptitude test of the Spanish Ministry of Justice. It is organised by the Faculty of Law of the UAB together with the bar associations of Barcelona, Granollers, Manresa, Mataró, Sabadell and Terrassa.
The master's degree in the Legal Profession comprises 90 credits and is structured in two complementary blocks.
- The teaching component, for 60 crèdits which delivers eminently practical training, provided by the best university lecturers and by highly respected lawyers and procuradores. This teaching component has the collaboration of judges, notaries, registrars, and tax and Social Security inspectors.
- The external work placements, for 30 credits, which offer a wide range of opportunities (law firms in the European Union in the frame of an Erasmus + programme or in the courts).