University Master's Degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine

Training in cutting-edge research aimed at developing a scientific, academic or professional career in research centres, universities, hospitals and companies from the R&D&i sector 

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Master direction

Master's coordinator:
Irantzu Pallarès Goitiz
E-mail address:
Telephone: +34 93 581 13 91

Availability: contact by email to arrange an appointment
Place: office C2/215

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Carretero Romay, Ana Maria Anatomy and Anatomical Pathology Tenured university lecturers Research
Nacher Garcia, Victor Anatomy and Anatomical Pathology Tenured university lecturers Research
Navarro Beltran, Marc Anatomy and Anatomical Pathology Tenured university lecturers Research
Ruberte Paris, Jesus Anatomy and Anatomical Pathology University professor/full professor Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Ariño Carmona, Joaquin Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Aviles Puigvert, Francesc Xavier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honorary lecturer Research
Barnadas Rodriguez, Ramon Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Barquinero Mañez, Jordi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Bassols Teixido, Anna Maria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Bayascas Ramirez, Jose Ramon Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Benseny Cases, Nuria Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Biosca Vaque, Josep Antoni Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honorary lecturer Research
Blanco Vaca, Francisco Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Boix Borras, Ester Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Bosch Merino, Maria Assumpcio Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Bosch Tubert, Maria Fatima Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Canalias Reverter, Francesca Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Casamayor Gracia, Antonio Jesus Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Chillon Rodriguez, Miguel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Claro Izaguirre, Enrique Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Daban Balaña, Joan Ramon Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honorary lecturer Research
Farrés Vicén, Jaime Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Fernandez Gallegos, Maria Rosario Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Ferrer Costa, Roser Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Garcia Osuna, Alvaro Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clinical adjunt lecturer (Clinical biochemistry)
Garcia Pardo, Javier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
García Quintana, David Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Gomez Trias, Nestor Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
González Seviné, Asier Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Illana Camara, Francisco Jose Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clinical adjunt lecturer (Clinical biochemistry)
Jimenez Cenzano, Veronica Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Lizcano de Vega, Jose Miguel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Lopez Martin, Mario Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Lopez Blanco, Jose Manuel Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Lorenzo Rivera, Julia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor contract Research
Mora Brugues, Josefina Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Moreno Romero, Jordi Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Moussaoui Keribii, Mohammed Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Navarro Cantero, Susanna Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Pallares Goitiz, Irantzu Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Piñol Ribas, Jaume Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Ponte Marull, Inmaculada Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Prats Ejarque, Guillem Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Quer Sivila, Josep Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Research
Querol Murillo, Enric Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Honorary lecturer Research
Reverter Cendros, David Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Roque Cordova, Alicia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Sanchez de Groot, Natalia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research
Sancho Vaello, Enea Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Beatriz Galindo programme researcher Research
Saura Antolin, Carlos Alberto Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Seoane Suarez, Joan Biochemistry and Molecular Biology non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer Research
Tanco , Sebastián Martin Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Tondo Colomer, Mireia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clinical adjunt lecturer (Clinical biochemistry)
Torrent Burgas, Marc Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Varejao Nogueira, Nathalia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Villegas Hernandez, Sandra Biochemistry and Molecular Biology University professor/full professor Research
Yuste Mateos, Victor Jose Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tenured university lecturers Research
Zapico Muñiz, Edgar Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clinical adjunt lecturer (Clinical biochemistry)
Teacher Area Category Research
Jimenez Lopez, Maria Angeles Library and Information Science Tenured university lecturers Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Roher Armentia, Nerea Physiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Ferreira Gonzalez, Ignacio Jose Area of Department of Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Cardiology) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Colas Ortega, Eva Area Dep. Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Preventive Medicine Clinical adjunt lecturer (Obstetrics and gynaecology)


Module coordinators:

David G. Quintana, Fac. Medicine, UAB (module 1)
Antonio Casamayor, Fac. Veterinary, UAB (module 2)
Alicia Roque, Fac. Biosciences, UAB (module 3)
Julia Lorenzo, IBB, UAB (module 4)
Fàtima Bosch, CBATEG, UAB (module 5)
Victor Yuste, Fac. Medicine, UAB (module 6)
Susanna Navarro, IBB, UAB (module7)
Alfredo Miñano, Fac. Medicine, UAB (module 8)
Francisco Blanco,Teaching Unit, Hospital de St.Pau (module 9)
Josep Quer, IRVH, Teaching Unit, Hospital Vall d'Hebron (module 10)
Ester Boix, Fac. Biosciences, UAB (module 11)
Francesca Canalias,Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (practical module Pat Mol and Master's Final Project of the specialty of Biomolecules in Molecular Pathology)
Jaume Farrés (Structural Biochemistry and Molecular Biology work experience module and Specialisation in Biomolecules in Biomedical Research Master's Dissertation)

Visiting lecturers:

Àlex Bayés (Hospital de St. Pau Research Institute)
Manel Cascalló (IDIBELL-ICO, Barcelona)
Ramon Deulofeu (Hospital Clínic, Barcelona)
Xavier Fernández-Busquets (CRESIB, Barcelona)
Anastassios Papageorgiou (University of Turku, Finland)
José E Perez-Ortín University of Valencia)
Jose Manuel Soria (Hospital de Sant Pau)
Guillermo Velasco, UCM
Óscar Zaragoza (ISCIII)