University Master's Degree in Paleobiology and Fossil Record

Develop the professional skills needed to study and interpret fossils and the history of life from a technical, scientific and communicative viewpoint

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Paleobiology and Fossil Record

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Master direction

Click on the following link to find out which are the coordinators of the masters that are taught in the faculty.

Master's Coordination


List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Arias Martorell, Julia Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Aymerich Nuñez De Arenas, Xenia Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Bertrand , Ornela Carla Janine Brigitte Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Bolet Mercadal, Arnau Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Casanovas Vilar, Isaac Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Cirilli , Omar Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Figuerola Giménez-Coral, Pere Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Fortuny Terricabras, Josep Paleontology Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Furio Bruno, Marcos Paleontology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Garcia Sellés, Albert Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Groenewald , David Patrick Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Hernandez Lujan, Angel Paleontology Research
Lizano Gonzalez, Esther Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Marigo Cortes, Judit Paleontology Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) Research
Martinez Alba, David Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Mercedes Martin, Ramon Stratigraphy Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Minwer Barakat Requena, Raef Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Nacarino Meneses, Carmen Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Oms Llobet, Josep Oriol Stratigraphy University professor/full professor contract Research
Pina Miguel, Marta Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Pinero Garcia, Pedro Paleontology Research
Prieto Marquez, Alberto Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Robles Gimenez, Jose Maria Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Sanchez Martin Caro, Israel Miguel Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Tomas Lafaja, Sara Stratigraphy Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Tosal Alcobé, Aixa Paleontology Research
Urciuoli , Alessandro Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Vicente Rodriguez, Alba Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Vila Ginesti, Bernat Paleontology Affiliated lecturer
Villa , Andrea Paleontology Affiliated lecturer