University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres. Specialisation in Mathematics

Coordinated by the UAB, three Catalan universities offer a master's degree which develops the theoretical and practical skills needed to be a good mathematics teacher

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres. Specialisation in Mathematics

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

Course coordinator

Albert Mallart Solaz (UAB)


List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Capell Manzanares, Merce Didactics and School Organization Research
Garcia Lopez, Empar Didactics and School Organization Research
Sanchez Ares, Rocio Didactics and School Organization Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Alfonso Bañon, Jose Maria Mathematics Education Research
Badillo Jimenez, Edelmira Rosa Mathematics Education Tenured university lecturers Research
Barquero Farras, Berta Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Bosch Casabo, Mariana Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Carbó Carrete, Maria de Les Salines Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Casado i Olivas, Mireia Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Cortés Da Silva, Alexandre Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Fierro Arias, Jose Daniel Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Font Moll, Vicenc Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Font Gonzalez, Jordi Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Fortuny Aymemi, Josep Maria Mathematics Education Emeritus lecturers (non-government) Research
Fuente Perez, Jose Abraham de la Mathematics Education Research
Gasco Patiño, Toni Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Gomez Urgelles, Joan Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Gorriz Farre, Maite Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Grima Cintas, Pere Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Mallart Solaz, Alberto Mathematics Education Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Massa Esteve, Maria Rosa Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Muria Maldonado, Sergi Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Naranjo Del Val, Joan Carles Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Peña Carrera, Marta Mathematics Education Lecturer (interuniversity master's degree)
Planas Raig, Nuria Mathematics Education University professor/full professor contract Research
Ros Carreño, Mario Mathematics Education Research
Sanchez Belando, Maria Victoria Mathematics Education Interuniversity Master's degree coordinator
Teacher Area Category Research
Cabezas Alarcon, Jessica Fabiola Theory and History of Education Research
Cabrera Cuadros, Valeska Lisbeth Theory and History of Education Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Vasquez Elias, Susana Algebra Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Flecha Fernandez Sanmamed, Ainhoa Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research