University Master's Degree in Applied Microbiology

A multidisciplinary, comprehensive and advanced vision of knowledge in microbiology applied to the environmental, biotechnological, industrial, molecular and healthcare fields.

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Applied Microbiology

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Course coordinator

Olga Sánchez Martínez
E-mail adress:

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Alonso Tarrés, Carles Microbiology Research
Aranda Rodriguez, Jesus Microbiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Aris Giralt, Anna Microbiology Research
Campoy Sanchez, Susana Microbiology University professor/full professor contract Research
Corchero Nieto, Jose Luis Microbiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Corral Sabado, Jordi Microbiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Feliu Gil, Jordi Xavier Microbiology Research
Ferrer Miralles, Neus Microbiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Gaju Ricart, Nuria Microbiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Garcia Fruitos, Elena Microbiology Research
Gibert Gonzalez, Isidre Microbiology Tenured university lecturers Research
Hernandez Del Amo, Elena Microbiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Julian Gomez, Esther Microbiology University professor/full professor contract Research
Martinez Alonso, Maria Ramos Microbiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Mas Gordi, Jordi Microbiology University professor/full professor Research
Perez Varela, Maria Microbiology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Rodriguez Carmona, Escarlata Microbiology Research
Sanchez Martinez, Olga Microbiology University professor/full professor contract Research
Sole Cornella, Antonio Microbiology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Vazquez Gomez, Esther Microbiology Research
Villaverde Corrales, Antonio Pedro Microbiology University professor/full professor Research

Teaching staff

The teaching staff of the master's degree in Applied Microbiology are mainly from the UAB's Faculty of Biosciences and they have great experience both in teaching and in research. There is also a considerable contribution from experts in hospital-based medical microbiology,lecturers and researchers from various research centres and a large number of companies, which means that the staff include professionals from the most applied sectors of the industry.


Carles Alonso, Jesus Aranda, Jordi Barbé, Susana Campoy, Pilar Cortés, Isabel Esteve, Neus Ferrer, Núria Gaju, Isidre Gibert, Esther Julián, Montserrat Llagostera, Marina Luquín, Maira Martínez, Jordi Mas, Olga Sánchez, Antonio Solé, Esther Vázquez, Antonio Villaverde, Daniel Yero.