Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in History of Science: Science, History and Society
UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes
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Course coordinator
Carlos Tabernero Holgadoemail address: Carlos.Tabernero@uab.cat
Master direction
Master's coordinator:
Jaume Sastre Juan
Master's coordinator for the UB
Jesús Galech
Correu electrònic:
Master's Degree Dissertation Coordination
- José Romo (UB)jose.romo@ub.edu
- Annette Mülberger (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)a.c.mulberger@rug.nl
List of teachers
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Balltondre Pla, Monica | Basic Psychology | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Catanzaro , Michele | Journalism | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Armiero , Marco | History of Science | Research | |
Cirac Claveras, Gemma | History of Science | Head of research | Research |
Grau Torras, Sergi | History of Science | non-government-contracted adjunct lecturer | Research |
Guevara Flores, Sandra Elena | History of Science | Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) | Research |
Macaya Andres, Ana | History of Science | Research | |
Marin Cisneros, Anyely Betsave | History of Science | Research | |
Nieto Galan, Agusti | History of Science | University professor/full professor | Research |
Roque Rodriguez, Francesc Xavier | History of Science | University professor/full professor | Research |
Sastre Juan, Jaume | History of Science | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Serrano Jerez, Gladys Elena | History of Science | Researchers (Ramón i Cajal Programme) | Research |
Tabernero Holgado, Carlos | History of Science | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Valentines Álvarez, Jaume | History of Science | Contracted doctoral associate lecturer | Research |
Teacher | Area | Category | Research |
Carandell Baruzzi, Miquel | Common Area for the University | Research |
Teaching staff
The teaching staff of the master's degree belongs to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Barcelona, the Milà i Fontanals Institution-CSIC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Pompeu Fabra University. The teaching staff includes the majority of specialists in History of Science in Barcelona and its metropolitan area, who belong to the principal public universities and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The following is a list of the teaching staff and their lines of research.
Acosta, Carlos (UAB, carlos.acosta@uab.cat)
Teaching Associate. His lines of research range from the material culture of science and the management of scientific heritage to the history of geology.
Aragon, Ferran(UAB, ferran.aragón@uab.cat)
Teaching Associate. His lines of research focus on the natural sciences and scientific heritage between the 19th and 20th centuries.
Arrizabalaga Valbuena, Jon (Milà i Fontanals Institution-CSIC, jonarri@imf.csic.es)
Researcher with the CSIC in history of science, assigned to the Milà i Fontanals Institution (IMF), Barcelona. His research is in three main areas: humanitarianism, war medicine and health technologies (19th to 21st centuries); emerging infectious illnesses and global health in the contemporary world; and disease, medicine and minorities in Ancien-Régime Europe.
Balltondre Pla, Mònica (UAB, monica.balltondre@uab.cat)
Lecturer and researcher in the Faculty of Psychology (UAB). Her research focuses on the relations between science and spirituality/religion. She has worked on female figures of the 15th and 16th centuries (Oliva Sabuco, Teresa de Cartagena, Teresa de Ávila) and is currently working on metapsychics, an early 20th century psychic investigation programme.
Calvo Labarta, M. Emilia (UB, ecalvo@ub.edu)
Lecturer in the bachelor's degree subjects Arabic Language, and Thought and Science in Eastern Islam, the UB-UAB master's degree subject Transmission Processes of Medieval Science and, on the UB-specific master's degree The Arab and Islamic World, the subject Science and Civilisation”. She is a member of the Millàs Vallicrosa group on History of Arabic Science. Her lines of research are medieval Arab astronomical instruments, science and religion, astronomy and astrology, and scientific lexicography.
Carandell, Miquel (UAB, miquel.carandell@uab.cat)
Teaching Associate. BA in Biology (UdG) and PhD in History of Science (UAB). His research interests are history of paleoanthropology, history of the natural sciences, history of zoos, history of science in Barcelona and Catalonia and, in general, the relationship between science and its audiences. In addition to the UAB, he works at the Granollers Museum of Natural Sciences.
Casulleras Closa, Josep (UB, jcasulleras@ub.edu)
He has taught history of science, history of Islamic societies, language, translation and literature within the area of Arabic and Islamic studies. His research activity centres on astronomy, mathematics applied to astrology, and engineering in medieval Arab society. He is a member of the Millàs Vallicrosa group on History of Arab Science at the UB.
Cozzoli, Daniele (Pompeu Fabra University, daniele.cozzoli@upf.edu)
Researcher on the Ramon y Cajal programme at Pompeu Fabra University. His main lines of research centre on biomedical institutions in the 20th century, the impact of the USA on the transformation of the European research system after the Second World War and the birth of the chemical-pharmaceutical research system between 1920 and 1960.
de Bianchi, Silvia (CEHIC, Silvia.DeBianchi@uab.cat)
Dr de Bianchi joined the CEHIC in 2014 as a Marie Curie Fellow (FP7 PEOPLE-COFUND, Beatriu de Pinós Programme). Her research project, "Breaking Rules: Hermann Weyl in between the WWII and the Cold War. A History of Parity Violation", focuses on the work of Hermann Weyl at Princeton (1934-1955). Her research interests include the philosophy of the Enlightenment, with special emphasis on Immanuel Kant, and the ongoing debates on the notion of explanation in philosophy of science.
Díaz Fajardo, Montserrat (UB, mdiazfajardo@ub.edu)
A lecturer in the Department of Philology and a researcher with the Millàs Vallicrosa group on History of Arab Science. Her main line of research centres on the critical edition and historical study of scientific manuscripts written in Arabic in al-Andalus and the Maghreb (11th–15th centuries). She has worked on astronomical traditions, astrological practices and tables, measurement of surfaces, astrological geography and gestation time. In her other line of research she studies the value of education for Maghrebi immigrant women.
Dorce Polo, Carles (UB, cdorce@ub.edu)
His research activity centres on the history of mathematics, especially the mathematics developed in the Arabic al-Andalus and in Renaissance Spain. He has lectured in History of Mathematics at the Faculty since 2006, teaching this subject on the former Master's Degree in History of Science, and he is a lecturer on the UB Master's Degree in Teacher Training.
Fernández García, Elena (UAB, elena.fernandez@uab.cat)
Higher Technical of Research and professor of Contemporary History her research has focused on the History of Gender in the Contemporary centuries, the Napoleonic Wars, and the study of Liberalism and constitutionalism to the nineteenth century.
Forcada, Miquel (UB, mforcada@ub.edu)
Teaching activity: subject areas in the area of knowledge of Arabic and Islamic studies; two related to history of science: Thought and Science in Western Islam (bachelor's degree), plus the one on this master's degree.
Research: history of the Arabic science of al-Andalus: ethnoastronomy; cosmological doctrines, social history of science; interrelationship between philosophy and science, especially in the natural and medical sciences.
Galech, Jesús Maria (UB, jesus.galech@ub.edu)
Lecturer in History of Physics and History of Chemistry in the Bachelor's Degrees in Physics and Chemistry, and lecturer on the Master's Degree in History of Science, teaching the module From Frankenstein to Einstein: Contemporary Science and Society. His research centres on the history of astrology, alchemy, medicine, mathematics and astronomy in the 17th and 18th centuries, the public communication of science and technology and the interrelationships between science and the arts throughout history.
Girón, Álvaro (Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC, agiron@imf.csic.es)
His research activity centres on the appropriation of the different versions of evolutionism/Darwinism by the libertarian movement in Spain and abroad. Currently he is working on the relationship between free-thinking, masonry, radical culture and Darwinism.
Hochadel, Oliver (Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC, oliver.hochadel@imf.csic.es)
Studies the interaction between science and its audiences. His case studies include electricity in the Enlightenment, the history of zoos (19th and 20th centuries), in particular that of Barcelona, the history of "human-origins-research" (20th century), science and nationalism (20th century) and fraud in science.
Jiménez Lucena, Isabel (University of Málaga, isajimenez@uma.es)
Lecturer in History of Science at the University of Málaga. Has taught the subject History of Science since 2000–2001 and the course Gender and Science: Epistemological, Social and Cultural Aspects, on the PhD programme Gender Relations, Society and Culture in the Mediterranean Context, as well as the subject Health from a Gender Perspective, on the UMA Official Master's Degree in Equality and Gender. Her research work centres on the social history of contemporary medicine and she has published on the relationships of health, illness and health policy to gender, social class and colonialism.
Kasperski, Tatiana (UPF, tatiana.kasperski@upf.edu)
University Researcher - Marie Curie Program. She is a specialist on nuclear power in the former Soviet Union, and works on several projects connected with public understandings of science, in particular nuclear power
Lévy, Silvia (UAB, silvia.levy@uab.cat)
Teaching Associate.Reception and circulation of psychoanalytic ideas in the field of medicine, psychiatry and law in Spain throughout the first half of the 20th century.
Malet Tomàs, Antoni (Pompeu Fabra University, antoni.malet@upf.edu)
Professor of History of Science. Currently heads the Seminar on History of Science at Pompeu Fabra University. His research focuses on three areas: mathematical sciences in the 16th and 17th centuries, especially their links to philosophy and religion; the optics of Kepler and optical instruments in the 17th century; relationships between science and politics during the Franco regime.
Massa Esteve, Maria Rosa (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, M.Rosa.Massa@upc.edu)
Lecturer in the Department of Applied Mathematics I (UPC) and member of the Research Group on History of Science and Technology (GRHCT-UPC). Lecturer in History of Mathematics in the new Master's Degree in Secondary Teaching (ICE-UPC), of the FME-UPC, and in History of Science at the ETSEIB-UPC. Research in history of mathematics from the 16th to the 17th centuries and in the history of mathematics teaching.
Molero Mesa, Jorge (UAB, jorge.molero@uab.es)
Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at the UAB Lines of research: medicine and colonisation in the Spanish protectorate in Morocco, the history of social diseases, the history of the Spanish healthcare administration, health and the working class in contemporary Spain, and anarchism and the medicalisation process. Current teaching areas: individuals, health and society (Faculty of Science), introduction to the Health Sciences (Faculty of Medicine) and the Practicum (Faculty of Medicine).
Mülberger, Annette (University of Groningen / a.c.mulberger@rug.nl)
Prof. dr. A.C. in the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences at Grioninger University. She focuses in the Studies on the human mind (19th and 20th century); History and philosophy of psychology, and the following tòpics, Early experimental and applied psychology, Criminology and juridical psychology, Practices of psychological testing and measurement, Crisis debates in psychology, Boundaries of science and the history of spiritualism
Nieto-Galan, Agustí (UAB, agusti.nieto@uab.cat)
Lecturer in History of Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and ICREA Acadèmia Fellow (2009). Following degrees in both Chemistry and History, he took his PhD in the History of Science at the University of Barcelona and held postdoctoral positions in the Modern History Faculty, University of Oxford, and the Centre de Recherche en Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie/ CNRS, Paris. He has written widely on the history of chemistry and natural dyestuffs, and the history of the popularisation of science (18th-20th centuries). He is a founding member of the international research group Science and Technology in the European Periphery (STEP), and Director of the Centre for the History of
Science (CEHIC) at the UAB. He is currently working on several aspects of science popularisation and urban history of science in Europe. After his recent work on the history of science popularization (18th-20th centuries), Dr Nieto-Galan focuses now on urban history of science, as a way to explore the complex interactions between science and the city. Following the “urban turn” in the historiography of science, he is now editing a collective volume on the scientific culture of Barcelona (1888-1929). In that “urban” context, he is also developing the “hunger artists’ project”, as a new research field within the cultural history of science at European level. Through a careful analysis of several itinerant public fasts from the 1880s to the 1920s, he approaches debates on the culture of nutrition, its medicalisation processes, and the quest for scientific authority from a comparative perspective. He is also working on a new history of chemistry in twentieth-century Spain, with particular emphasis on professional chemists’ role during Franco’s dictatorship.
Pardo Tomás, José (Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC, pppardo@imf.csic.es)
Current lines of research: medicine and natural history in the Modern Period (16th century to 18th century) and the Contemporary Period (19th century to 20th century): relationships between colonial and metropolitan areas; spaces in which science reaches the public (anatomical theatres, bureaux and museums); vehicles and networks of scientific communication (publications, correspondence, teaching and voyages).
Roca Rosell, Antoni (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, antoni.roca-rosell@upc.edu)
Lecturer in History of Science, UPC. Interested in history of engineering (18th century to 20th century), the scientific, technical and industrial heritage, relationships between science, technology and society, mainly regarding the exact sciences.
Roqué, Xavier (UAB, xavier.roque@uab.cat)
Member of the UAB History of Science Centre, director of this centre from 2000 to 2010, lecturer in the UAB Department of Philosophy. Has taught on the bachelor's degree in History of Science in the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, and was coordinator of the graduate diploma in History of Science (2000-2010). Has published on the history of the physical sciences in the 20th century, the relationships between science and industry, and physics and gender. Has also translated or edited, in Catalan and in Spanish, texts by Heinrich Hertz, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Niels Bohr.
Sastre, Jaume (UAB, jaume.sastre@uab.cat)
Serra Húnter Fellow. His main research lines are the history of technology and the history of science popularization. In particular, he has published on the politics of display in museums of science and technology, the history of “interactivity”, the banalization of nuclear technologies and the history of technological fun in amusement parks. He teaches courses in the history of science and the philosophy of technology (Faculty of Philosophy).
Sturm, Thomas (UAB, thomas.sturm@uab.cat)
ICREA researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the UAB. Working on the relationships between philosophy and psychology throughout history, and on epistemology. Main interests: Kant's philosophy of the (human) sciences, and current debates on the psychology of rationality.
Tabernero Holgado, Carlos (UAB, carlos.tabernero@uab.cat)
Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine and the History of Science Centre. Lines of research: cinema and television in the popularisation of science, medicine and technology in the 20th century; the popularisation of the natural sciences in contemporary Spain (19th and 20th centuries); the representation and implementation of medical practice and discourse in 20th century Spain. Teaching in the fields of material culture, heritage and scientific communication. Also in medicine, cinema and literature. The history of biology and integrated learning in medicine (AIM-1).
Vidal, Fernando (CEHIC, fernando.vidal@icrea.cat)
Senior ICREA researcher. Has studied topics in history of the human sciences, such as psychology in the Modern Age, miracles and science in the 17th and 18th centuries, sexuality during the Illuminist period, the psychologies of the unconscious in the early 20th century, educational policy and reform during and after the First World War. Latest books: The Sciences of the Soul: the Early Modern Origins of Psychology (University of Chicago Press, 2011) and Neurocultures (ed. with F. Ortega, Lang, 2011). Main lines of research: the "cerebral subject" in historical perspective and in contemporary culture.
Zarzoso, Alfons (UAB, alfons.zarzoso@uab.cat)
Lecturer (UAB) and curator of the Museum of History of Medicine of Catalonia. Teaching on undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Medicine, including the core subject Introduction to Health Sciences, with a specialist seminar on material culture of medicine. Also teaching on the master's degree in History of Science, as coordinator of the module on Introduction to Research and lecturer on the modules Publics of Science and The Processes of Medicalisation. Coordinator of the modules Material Culture, Heritage and Communication, and Practicum, in the upcoming edition of the master's degree. Lines of research: the study of medicine: professional practice, training and specialisation; spaces and means for producing medical knowledge; political engagement within the framework of the birth and development of modern and contemporary Catalan society.