University Master's Degree in School Leadership for Educational Innovation

Interested in a master's degree that can help you build an ethical, responsible and innovative school and also help you advance in your professional career? Then this is your master's degree!

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in School Leadership for Educational Innovation

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

Course coordinator

Carme Armengol Asparó

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Armengol Asparo, Maria Carme Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Barrera Corominas, Aleix Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Berengueras Pont, Maria Merce Didactics and School Organization Research
Castro Ceacero, Diego Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Díaz Vicario, Anna Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Duran Bellonch, Maria del Mar Didactics and School Organization Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Gairin Sallan, Joaquin Didactics and School Organization Emeritus lecturers (non-government) Research
Garcia Lopez, Empar Didactics and School Organization Research
Lopez Crespo, Saida Didactics and School Organization Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Mercader Juan, Cristina Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Muñoz Moreno, Jose Luis Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Rodriguez Gomez, David Didactics and School Organization Tenured university lecturers Research
Suarez Rivarola, Cecilia Ines Didactics and School Organization Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research

Administrative contact

For pre-registration and enrolment matters please contact the Academic Support Service (Gestió Acadèmica) of the Faculty of Education: