University Master's Degree in Social Policy, Employment and Welfare

An interdisciplinary quality training programme in social and wellbeing policies from a comparative perspective. Here you will find the key tools needed to work in this field

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Social Policy, Employment and Welfare

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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Course coordinator

Antonio Martín Artiles

List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Purcalla Bonilla, Miguel Angel Employment and Social Security Law Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Almeida Calazans, Julia Sociology Visiting lecturer (non-government) Research
Barranco Font, Oriol Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Bolibar Planas, Mireia Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Bonal Sarro, Francesc Xavier Sociology University professor/full professor Research
Borras Catala, Vicent Eduardo Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Espluga Trenc, Jose Luis Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Fernandez Mostaza, Maria Esther Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Garcia Gracia, Maria Isabel Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Lopez Roldan, Jose Pedro Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Marti Olive, Joel Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Merino Pareja, Rafael Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Miguel Quesada, Francesc Josep Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Molina Romo, Oscar Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Mora , Enrico Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Moreno Colom, Sara Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Muntanyola Saura, Dafne Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Neut Aguayo, Pablo Andres Sociology Researchers (Juan de la Cierva Programme) Research
Noguera Ferrer, Jose Antonio Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Parella Rubio, Sonia Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Rambla Marigot, Francesc Xavier Sociology University professor/full professor Research
Rodriguez Soler, Juan Sociology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Serradell Pumareda, Olga Sociology Tenured university lecturers Research
Sharifi Ahmadipour, Massoud Sociology Assistant lecturer (pre-tenured lecturer) Research
Sorde Marti, Maria Teresa Sociology University professor/full professor contract Research
Troiano Goma, Helena Sociology Contracted doctoral associate lecturer Research
Verd Pericas, Joan Miquel Sociology University professor/full professor Research


Methodology and Social Research Methods

  • Pedro López-Roldan. Associate professor 
  • Joel Martí. Aggregate professor 
  • Dafne Muntanyola. Aggregate professor
  • Joan M. Verd. Associate professor

Globalisation and European Social Model

  • Pau Miret. Adjunct rofessor. Institut d'Estudis Demogràfics
  • Óscar Molina. Aggregate professor

Globalisation, Education Policies and Inequality 

  • Xavier Bonal. Full professor
  • Maribel Garcia. Aggregate professor
  • Aina Tarabini. Aggregate professor
  • Helena Troiano. Aggregate professor

Comparative Employment Policies in the European Union

  • Miguel Ángel Purcalla. Adjunct professor. Judge
  • Joan Rodríguez-Soler. Adjunct professor
  • Joan M. Verd. Associate professor

Management of Religious Diversity

  • Esther Fernández. Associate professor

Redistribution Policies and Comparative Welfare States

  • José Antonio Noguera. Associate professor

Employment, Gender and the Social Organisation of Care

  • Vicent Borràs. Associate professor
  • Enrico Mora. Aggregate professor
  • Núria Sánchez. Invited professor

Migration Policies and Social Integration

  • Sònia Parella Rubio. Aggregate professor
  • Massoud Sharifi. Adjunct professor
  • Teresa Sordé. Aggregate professor

Policies for Equality between Men and Women in Europe: Work, Health, and Everyday Life

  • Mireia Bolíbar. Aggregate professor
  • Clara Llorens. Adjunct professor
  • Sara Moreno. Associate professor

Social Law and Industrial Relations Compared

  • Oscar Molina. Associate professor 
  • Miquel A. Purcalla. Associate professor. Judge

Advanced Methodology in Social Research

  • Oriol Barranco. Aggregate professor
  • Pedro López-Roldán. Associate professor
  • Joel Martí. Aggregate professor
  • Francesc Miguel Quesada. Associate professor

Work Placement

  • Xavier Rambla. Associate professor

Master's Dissertation

  • Joan M. Verd. Associate professor