Master's Degree in Food Safety and Quality Management

Professional training in risk management and prevention in agricultural food security applied to the agriculture and food sector

UAB's virtual fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhDs

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 24th to the 28th of February: Registration is open!

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  • UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
  • Code: 2433/15
  • 15th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Start date: 20/09/2024
  • Finish date: 14/07/2025
  • Places: 50
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 4440 €
  • Special price 4306 €
    Group of application: Alumni FUAB cursos o módulos
    Special price 4218 €
    Group of application: Alumni FUAB Graduados o máster
  • Teaching language: Spanish
  • Location: FUAB Formació. Prevenció i Seguretat Integral. Edifi blanc, Campus UAB. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

The Master’s degree in the Management of Food Security and Quality trains professionals to meet the safety and reliability guarantees that companies and citizens demand in the processes of production, preparation, transformation and marketing of food products and services.


  • To provide notions on food safety from the following perspectives: legal (latest regulatory advances), scientific (food analysis methods), sociological (reaction to food crises), and administrative (public food safety controls).
  • To provide strategies and skills to develop food safety research projects for public and private centres.
  • To obtain theoretical and practical knowledge on advances in improving product quality.
  • To learn the organisational foundations of a food company: technical aspects, business and commercial management.

The studies, of an eminently practical and professionalising nature, include:

  • In-person and online sessions.
  • Field trips and visits to companies.
  • Optional extracurricular internships in companies in the field of food quality and safety.


UAB masters and graduate diplomas may include or facilitate external academic internships in companies or institutions in order to help the student to achieve a level of expertise that facilitates the insertion or promotion in the workplace...

These internships may be curricular (compulsory) or non-curricular (optional).

  • Curricular
    Curricular practices are those which are included in the curriculum of the studies and, therefore, must be overcome to obtain the degree. The programme manager will explain you the details of how, where and under what conditions you should do the internship.
  • Non-curricular
    Extracurricular practices are those that are not included in the curriculum of the studies. You can choose to do them in addition. The coordination of your program will explain the details of how, where and under what conditions can they be carried out.

Scholarships and financial aid

At the UAB grants' website you will find information on financial aids, grants, competitions, prizes and subsidies for the university community.

Chek all the information in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

FUAB Formación. Prevención y Seguridad Integral


Gestió Acadèmica - Formació Continuada FUAB

Phone: 935928710

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