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Tuberculosis in Barcelona, an unsolved problem
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects each year to 8.8 million people and produces about 1.4 million deaths worldwide, mostly in poor countries. The problem of its frequent association with HIV, has been added increasing antibiotic resistance mainly due to poor...
Twins born with no hereditary pathology
For the first time ever, the birth of a boy and a girl without the monogenic hereditary non polyposis colon-rectal cancer (HNPCC) disease or Lynch Syndrome, present in the father has been achieved. This was been possible after a successful application of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis...
Mother at risk of chromosomal abnormalities gives birth to healthy baby girl
A group of researchers from the Unitat de Biologia Cel·lular i Genètica Mèdica de la UAB formed by Dra M. Rius, MSc G. Daina, MSc L. Ramos, Dr J. del Rey, Dr A. Obradors, Dr J. Benet and leaded by Dra J. Navarro, and with the...
Birth of the daughter of a carrier of double chomosomal translocations
In collaboration with a group from the Eugin clinic, formed by Dr. A. Obradors, Dr. R. Vidal, Dra. V. Vernaeve and Dr. O. Coll and with Dr. J. Obradors from the Consultori Obstètric i Ginecològic Josep Obradors, a group of researchers from the...
Hospital acquired bacterial blood infections
A group of researchers at the Hospital del Mar, attached to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, have characterized blood infections of two species of the genus Enterococcus, that patients have acquired during a hospital stay. This investigation had two different lines. On the one...