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The importance of potassium in forest growth
Potassium is generally not considered in ecological studies of forest growth. Based on this, a group of researchers at the CREAF in the UAB has studied the role of this element in the growth of 2836 forests parcels in Catalonia. Thus, these researchers have highlighted the...
Plants warn each other of imminent danger
Plants send signals into the atmosphere to communicate with other plants and animals: when a plant is attacked by a pathogen or a herbivore it releases certain compounds into the air that "warn" others of the imminent danger so that they can prepare themselves. These...
Ecometabolomics: a new instrument for ecological research
Metabolomic techniques aim to determine the maximum number of metabolites present in an organism at a given time. These techniques have been used for a long time in the context of biomedicine and now are starting to be used in the field of ecology. Researchers at...