Health program

The FAS Health Programme aims to promote healthy lifestyles among students at the UAB, on the understanding that health is not just the absence of illness but a state of biopsychosocial well-being. We encourage the exchange of reliable, verified information that enables students to take responsible, informed decisions about their own habits and practices and what they consume. We also offer resources other than those offered on campus.
Our areas of work are the following:
- Sexual and affective health: promoting healthy sexuality and affectivity; dealing with diversity in gender identity and sexual orientation; tackling violent behaviours; preventing high-risk sexual practices that have potential consequences like infections, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.
- Healthy habits, diet and substance use: dealing with juvenile leisure and its associated risks; preventing or reducing risk in drugs use and other addictions; promoting healthy diet, self-esteem and self-healing, mental and emotional health, etc.
As well as advice on health and the Xiringu service, the Health Programme provides other services and activities. The volunteers carry out awareness-raising activities on special occasions; all necessary information is made available about the tests for HIV and other STIs, and training is provided through workshops and micro-lessons.
- To recruit university students to operate as health educators in the programme's awareness-raising activities.
- To alert, inform and guide students on affectivity, sexuality and associated risks (HIV‑AIDS and other STDs and STIs), on the risks of drugs use, and on other health‑related topics.
- To provide channels for students to voice their queries and get individual advice from specialists.
The Xiringu is roving helpdesk, offering advice, information and debate on health issues to all students on campus. The Xiringu emerged from a European project on preventing drug dependency and other high-risk behaviours in the university context, named "En plenes facultats" and centred on peer teaching.
The Xiringu is manned by Health Programme volunteers and Psychology students who are doing their placements on the programme. They all train to be health educators: able to answer the questions posed by Xiringu users.
The added value of this service stems from the equal relationship between the student making the enquiry and the student responding to it.
The Xiringu freely distributes information material on drugs and STDs, and free male and female condoms. All these can also be obtained at the FAS Solidarity Space (in the Plaça Cívica, opposite the Abacus shop).
Where is the Xiringu?
The Xiringu roves between the different faculties. It consists of two big canvas banners and two large tables with the materials on offer and games. You'll find its locations schedule on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Moreover, the Xiringu also has a Telegram chatroom where during the academic year we share interesting and relevant content, from news, videos, conferences to tv shows, films and book recommendations. The goal is to sensitize and start a conversation about the use of substances and sexual education.
To contact us, come along to the FAS Solidarity Space or the Xiringu roving helpdesk. At both places our trained staff can give you information and guidance or refer you to the relevant services on or off campus. In every case consultations are dealt with in the strictest confidence.
We can also be reached by telephone, on 93 581 34 55, and by email, at fas.salut@uab.cat.
The Health Programme organises or takes part in various activities and events throughout the academic year. Here are some examples:
We also take advantage of media coverage and public attention on special occasions like the following:
On these occasions we run thematic Xiringu sessions and/or awareness-raising activities on specific health issues. Some other important dates for us are the following: World Mental Health Day (10 October), International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November), World Eating Disorders Action Day (30 November), International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (17 May).
- We are in action during the UAB Festa Major celebrations (November)
- We help with the UAB Race: part of the TV3 Marathon (December)
- We organise the UAB Erotic Story Competition (April)
- We take part in the UAB Health and Sustainability Week (April)
We also take advantage of media coverage and public attention on special occasions like the following:
- World No-Alcohol Day (15 November)
- European Testing Week, for HIV and hepatitis (during November)
- World AIDS Day (1 December) and Zero Discrimination Day (1 March).
- International Women's Day (8 March)
- World Health Day (7 April)
- World No-Tobacco Day (31 May)
On these occasions we run thematic Xiringu sessions and/or awareness-raising activities on specific health issues. Some other important dates for us are the following: World Mental Health Day (10 October), International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November), World Eating Disorders Action Day (30 November), International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (17 May).
Any students who have engaged in high-risk behaviour and wish to make sure they have not contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI) can go to the UAB Health Care Service (SAS). The testing process for STIs is conducted by the company Brugués Assistencial, serveis sanitaris, under an agreement with the UAB.
It is available free of charge to all UAB students and employees. The SAS is located in the Edifici F building (above the Faculty of Communication Studies) and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (plus 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for emergencies).
The first step is to get an appointment with the doctor, who will clarify any queries you may have and, if necessary, arrange for a blood test or Rapid HIV Test.
In the case of blood tests to be done in the laboratory, UAB students have a 50% discount, so the (initial*) costs are as follows.
Do you know the differences between HIV and AIDS?
HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune cells, whose job is to protect us from disease. Someone with HIV may not have symptoms for a long time, which is the reason why HIV testing is needed even if there are no symptoms.
AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It appears when the HIV infection is at its most advanced stage and has already caused serious damage to the immune system.
Antiretrovirals can inhibit HIV replication and prevent the infection from turning into AIDS. It's important to keep in mind that there are two different types of test.
Do you know what the window period is?
The window period is the time that passes between exposure to the HIV and the point when the test results are confirmed to be accurate. This period depends on the type of test: in the case of fourth-generation tests analysing antibodies and antigens, it is 45 days, while for third‑generation tests like the Rapid HIV Test it is three months.
This means that three months after the risk practice the window period ends, and therefore the Rapid HIV Test is accurate.
The Rapid HIV Test can be taken (with or without a fee) at the following places:
You can also take the test in certain chemist's shops in Catalonia.
It is available free of charge to all UAB students and employees. The SAS is located in the Edifici F building (above the Faculty of Communication Studies) and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (plus 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for emergencies).
The first step is to get an appointment with the doctor, who will clarify any queries you may have and, if necessary, arrange for a blood test or Rapid HIV Test.
- The Rapid HIV Test is completely free of charge.
In the case of blood tests to be done in the laboratory, UAB students have a 50% discount, so the (initial*) costs are as follows.
- Syphilis testing: €22.
- Hepatitis C testing: €35.
- Hepatitis B testing: €22 (if unvaccinated).
- Laboratory testing for HIV: €20.
Do you know the differences between HIV and AIDS?
HIV is short for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus that attacks the immune cells, whose job is to protect us from disease. Someone with HIV may not have symptoms for a long time, which is the reason why HIV testing is needed even if there are no symptoms.
AIDS is short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It appears when the HIV infection is at its most advanced stage and has already caused serious damage to the immune system.
Antiretrovirals can inhibit HIV replication and prevent the infection from turning into AIDS. It's important to keep in mind that there are two different types of test.
- The Rapid HIV Test uses a small drop of blood taken by pricking your finger, which is placed on a test strip. The results are available in 20 minutes. If the result is negative, the person is asked to repeat the test after a time. If the test result is positive, the person should undergo a standard blood test to eliminate the possibility of a false positive and confirm that they are really seropositive.
- Standard blood tests are available at primary care centres (CAP) and hospitals. On visiting the doctor, a blood sample is taken for analysis. After 15 days, on a second visit, the doctor gives the results.
Do you know what the window period is?
The window period is the time that passes between exposure to the HIV and the point when the test results are confirmed to be accurate. This period depends on the type of test: in the case of fourth-generation tests analysing antibodies and antigens, it is 45 days, while for third‑generation tests like the Rapid HIV Test it is three months.
This means that three months after the risk practice the window period ends, and therefore the Rapid HIV Test is accurate.
The Rapid HIV Test can be taken (with or without a fee) at the following places:
- ActuaVallès
- Gais Positius
- Stop SIDA
- Associació Ciutadana Anti-Sida de Catalunya (ACASC)
- Associació Antisida Lleida
- Assexora’Tgn (Associació Comunitària de Salut Sexual del Camp de Tarragona)
- ACAS Girona (Associació Comunitària Anti-Sida de Girona)
You can also take the test in certain chemist's shops in Catalonia.
The Health Programme offers a wide range of training activities on health topics, for different audiences. This training is in the format of single-topic workshops and micro-lessons.
- Internal training at the FAS. The programme organises micro-lessons on health for all Fundació Autònoma Solidaria volunteers and staff.
- Training for health educators. The programme organises and supervises training for health educators. This training makes use of specific micro-lessons and single-topic workshops open to the community.
- Single-topic workshops open to the UAB community. The programme runs two workshops per year, lasting approximately one month, on drugs and on sexuality and affectivity. These are open to the whole UAB community and the general public.