Annual PhD reviews, permanence regime, suspensions of studies and changes direction ant tutoring
In this section you will find information on the reviews you will have to undergo annually, the procedures for requesting extensions, suspensions or withdrawal from the programme, and for changing your enrolment status and for changing of supervisor and/or tutor of your thesis .
Once admitted to the doctoral program, you must formalize a registration each academic year (including a registration for the deposit of the doctoral thesis when the deposit is made as of the 1st October), in order to be certified as a doctoral student. The subject you will be registering for is called annual review, which evaluates the training achieved during the course and the progress of the preparation of the doctoral thesis.
For this reason, the academic committee of the doctoral program publishes each academic year a call for follow-up (check your doctoral program's website, section Review and Thesis), in which a committee made up of three doctors evaluates your progress of the research plan, the development of the document of activities and a report of the director of thesis and the academic tutor. In this report, the director and the academic tutor of the thesis inform, at least, if you have followed the agreed pattern regarding the number of meetings established between yourself and the thesis supervisor and if you have carried out the planned training activities for the academic year.
In exceptional cases (research stays or fieldwork), the Doctoral Commission, with a prior report from the academic committee of the doctoral program, may authorize replacing the oral and face-to-face presentation of the annual follow-up with another format.
To know the date for this evaluation, please contact your doctoral program.
Failure to submit to an annual follow-up without justification leads to the definitive drop in the doctorate program, since the positive evaluation of the follow-up is an essential requirement so that you can continue in the doctorate program and enroll the following course. If the evaluation of the annual follow-up is negative, you will be re-evaluated in a maximum of six months and, when required, a new research plan will be submitted.
If you pass the follow-up in this call, the Doctoral School will enroll you in the next course during the current academic year with no cost. We will let you know once done. However, if the new evaluation is negative, the Doctoral Commission (CAPD), after hearing the doctoral student, will issue a reasoned report and propose the Standing Committee (JPED) the definitive drop in the doctorate program. Against the act of negative qualification, the doctoral student can present allegations to the Standind Committee within fifteen working days from the communication of the result of the evaluation. Against the resolution of the JPED, the doctoral student can file an appeal before the rector.
For the preparation of the thesis you should take into account:
- If the thesis is requested to be presented and defended in a language other than Catalan, Spanish or English. The application must be submitted together with the reports of the director(s) and the tutor, if any, and authorization of the Doctoral Study Commission whenever the requirements are met.
- If the thesis is requested to be presented by compendium of publications. The request must be made and the articles and / or publications must be submitted, together with the mandatory reports of the director(s) and the tutor, if any, and the authorization of the Doctoral Study Commission. This request must be authorized by the corresponding commission of the UAB whenever it meets the requirements.
- If the thesis is requested to be presented in co-supervision. The application must be made and the signed agreement and annex must be submitted, together with the mandatory reports of the director(s) and the tutor and the authorization of the Doctoral Study Commission.
- If the thesis is requested to be presented for the International Doctor Mention, please check this link.
The UAB offers you online information about intellectual property and open access to the theses and for any other work.
The website Intellectual Property and Open Access contains a collection of frequently asked questions that provide information on intellectual property and open access, of an advisory nature and that can not be considered, in any case, legal advice by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. You can access by doing a search in the box or browsing the thematic folders.
The development of the thesis can make full dedication, which means 3 calendar years (4 reviews enrolled), the UAB Academic regulations establish de minimum 2 calendar years ( 3 reviews enrolled) or part-time, which means 5 calendar years (6 reviews enrolled), with the minimum 4 calendar years (5 reviews enrolled).
If you run out the deadline, you can request an extension to further develop the PhD thesis.
In this section you will find information on how to request an extension to your deadlines for work on the thesis.
- If you have opted for full-time status
Three years to complete the PhD. If you do not have the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) by the end of this period, you can petition your PhD programme’s Academic Committee (CAPD) for an extension of one further year. If you have still not deposited it after this extra year you can request an exceptional extension of one more year. Please note that this exceptional extension means that you must deposit the thesis no more than five years after the date of admission on to the PhD programme.
What is the procedure to follow? After the year 3 progress review, which is equivalent to enrolment for progress review 69503, you should request the first extension to enrol for progress review 69504. This extension will be in force until 30 September of that academic year. If you have still not have the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) by that date, you should request the last extension available, the exceptional extension, which will be in force ONLY until the date when the five-year period following your admission elapses, by which date you should have deposited the thesis. For example: if you were admitted on 15 October 2013, you should have deposited the thesis by 14 October 2018 at the latest.
- If you have opted for part-time status
Five years to complete the PhD. If you do not have the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) by the end of this period, you can petition your CAPD for an extension of two further years. If you have still not the deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) after these extra two years you can request an exceptional extension of one more year. Please note that this exceptional extension means that you must have the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) no more than eight years after the date of admission on to the PhD programme.
What is the procedure to follow? After the year 5 progress review, which is equivalent to enrolment for progress review 69505, you should request the first extension to enrol for progress review 69506. This extension will be in force until 30 September of that academic year. If you have not validated by the thesis supervisor the thesis deposit on that date, you can enrol for progress review 69507 and the extension will be in force until 30 September of that academic year. If you have still not have validate the thesis deposit by the thesis supervisor on that date, you should request the last extension available, the exceptional extension, which will be in force ONLY until the date when the eight-year period following your admission elapses, deadline where you should have the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor. For example, if you were admitted on 15 October 2013, you should have deposited the thesis by 14 October 2021 at the latest.
Click on this link and go to Pla de Recerca i document d'Activitats to see the registered information on your doctoral thesis and the deadline date for completing it, based on the admission date. This date is related to the academic year of enrolment and you should keep in mind that the enrolment remains valid until 30 September, in the case of the first extension. This is not the case with the exceptional extension, in which the deadline is the date when the years since admission have elapsed.
If you are in the period corresponding to the exceptional extension, remember that this period in non-extendable and that if you have not the thesis deposit validated by the thesis supervisor (ED status) before the end of the term, you will not be able to continue doing the doctorate in which you were enrolled. The maximum date of validation of the thesis deposit by the thesis supervisor conincides with the date indicated in your online academic record. If you have douts, you can contact the Coordination of your PhD programme.
To ask for the extension you need to submit the request to your CAPD. Contact your programme's management to submit this request. The CAPD will inform the Doctoral School so that the resolution on your request and the deadline for completing the thesis can be added to your records.
If you have changed between part-time and full-time status during the first two years of your PhD, the deadline for completion changes with respect to the admission date, because it is calculated in proportion to the amount of time devoted. In these situations, you should review the ending date for your doctoral thesis in Sigma. You will need to request the extension for the same academic year in which you complete your thesis.
For more information, contact the coordinator of your PhD programme.
Extract from the academic regulations of the UAB, articles concerning students with doctorate initiated in the academic year 2023/24 (Catalan version)
Regulations concerning students with a PhD initiated before the academic year 2023/24 (Catalan version)
Requests for suspensions are to be addressed to your CAPD. There are two types of suspensions: sickness- or maternity-related and voluntary.
The period of temporary leave does not count in the period of time that the doctoral student has to elaborate the doctoral thesis. For this reason, during the period of the leave, the student cannot perform any task related to the elaboration of the doctoral thesis, such as: receive support/advice from the thesis direction and/or tutoring, nor elaborate articles for publication, nor attend or perform the obligatory or optional activities, nor present himself/herself for the follow-up evaluation.
Whatever the type, you do not have to enrol if the suspension period coincides with a whole academic year (1 October to 30 September). However, if the suspension period covers part of one academic year and part of another, you need to enrol for both years.
These requests only affect the doctoral academic record. If you have a scholarship that implies a employment contract with the UAB, you must also contact to process sick leave, if applicable.
Suspensions due to sickness, maternity or any other cause determined by law
Next update. Consult the version in Spanish or Catalan
Voluntary suspension
Next update. Consult the version in Spanish or Catalan
Withdrawal from the PhD programme may result from any of the following situations.
- The student does not enrol on the PhD programme in an academic year.
- The student does not submit to the progress review and the Monitoring Committee records a grade of Not Assessable in the review report.
- The student does not pass the second progress review.
- The student asks for the enrolment to be cancelled. Check the academic and administrative calendar to know the deadline to request cancellation of enrollment.
- The student has exceeded the deadline to deposit.
Suspension request form (form in Catalan)
Report template Academic Tutor / Thesis Supervisor
When admission to the PhD programme, the student will choose the enrolment status in which he will develop his doctoral thesis, which may be full-time or part-time. The enrolment status chosen and accepted by the PhD programme is registered in the first enrolment (subject 69501). The time for preparing the thesis will begin to count according to this record. Subsequently, the student, if he considers it necessary, may request, during his first two years of doctorate, within the period established by the academic-administrative calendar, the modification of this status, taking into account that it is the Academic Commission of the PhD programme who will accept, where appropriate, the modification of the enrolment status.
The student submits the Request form for changes of enrolment status to the administration of the PhD programme.
Check the academic and administrative calendar to know the term for the current academic year.
The CAPD issues a resolution on the request and reports this to the Doctoral School so that it can be added to the student's records.
The approved change will take effect on the time remaining to prepare the thesis.
First you need to check at (Online services and procedures/Research Monitoring) that the supervisor(s) and/or tutor named are those currently working with you on your thesis. If there are any changes or if the information is not correct you should contact the Doctoral Programme Coordinator (Department/Institute responsible for your PhD) as soon as possible.
Document to request the change in the direction and tutoring of your thesis.
In the event that with this change you incorporate a person from outside the UAB into the management team, you must also attach this form.
Remember that if you modify one of your thesis supervisors or academic tutor, you must sign another commitment document.